The growth of vegetables and the quality of soil required
How to grow the best vegetables.
For a plant to grow successfully, they need water, nutrients, light and oxygen. The soil is also important in the growth of vegetables as it supplies minerals salts and supports the plant. Roots also absorb water from the soil through transpiration pull.
Techniques to grow vegetables successfully
The crops should be grown at the right time to meet the requirements of a specific season. When planting crops, ensure that they succeed according to their growth season. For instance, during winter, planting of vegetables is advised as they will keep fresh for a longer period. During warm season crops such as beans and cilantro will replace vegetables grown during the cold season.
Planting of unique crops that cannot be found easily will produce high-quality yield in the end. The growing of unique crops will influence one to try new approaches to farming and by doing so; the quality of food produce will get improved.
Another important and common technique used is intercropping. Ensure that you mix your crops at intervals to enhance their quality. Some crops act as supplements to others such that they release nutrients that are necessary for the growth of other plants.
Farmers are encouraged to add fertilizers to their farms to boost the soil fertility necessary for quality farm produce. The use of plant additives is widely used to produce healthy vegetables. Some require manure that will enhance their growth and produce healthy plants.
What's in the soil to make the vegetables grow so well?
Soil as an essential element of growth, there are several elements present in the soil that aid the plant to grow healthy. An ideal soil composition contains calcium, clay, and sand plus other organic materials. Some of these factors are:-
- Calcium: - it is responsible for the formulation of sugars suitable for bud growth. Bud growth enhances flowering plants. The soil that does not have appropriate proportions of calcium can be modified by adding bone meal and limestone to the soil.
- Clay: - it has been proved scientifically that foods grown on clay soil has a sweet taste and is rich in color. On the other hand vegetables grown on sand tend to taste opaque, and their color is also not as dull as those grown in sand. However, clay dries when heat by sun and its compact nature may prevent plants from growing properly.
- Compost manure: - adding of manure to the soil increases its fertility to enable it to sustain crop growth. For instance, some soils in regions where farming is continuously done, results to the soil’s fertility declining and the addition of compost manure will boost its performance.
To produce high-quality vegetables, there are several factors that aid in the process. Having quality soil rich in minerals and using proper techniques of farming will increase the chances of producing high-quality vegetables.